Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Upcoming Elections

Well, I guess I’ll have to chime in. Thomas Paine said that it is every patriot’s duty to defend his country from its government, and I think that is what we have to boil any argument down to in these times. PLEASE remember that the Republicans and the Democrats are, in reality both PRIVATE business parties. The Constitutional, Libertarian, Green, and what ever other party you want to imagine are all PRIVATE business parties trying to gain control of a PUBLIC, let me say that again, PUBLIC government. There in lies the problem. Do not be baited into a game you cannot win. The only source of power we have is the Constitution of the united States of America (and I have purposely capitalized the name of our country that way for a reason – by the way, Thomas Paine is credited with coming up with the name united States of America). Why a lowercase “u”; because we live in a Republic – not a Democracy. And our Republic is created by a group of united Republics themselves – the States. The power in our nation is to be found through the citizens allegiance to the State in which they live FIRST, and then, AND ONLY THEN, to the collection of Republics that form the nation of the united States of America.
Why is this important? Because everything you believe about the Federal government, everything you’ve been taught about the Federal government and all you may hold dear about the Federal government is the biggest hoax ever pulled on you. Every state is a Republic. Sovereign itself, and through its own good will, and the will of its citizens, as shown through their elected Representatives, united with other such Republics. The ultimate law of the land is the State. The federal government is feral, rabid and out of control. Please read the Constitution and you will find that most of the things in our life that the federal government dictates are not meant to be in their power. We are in a loosing battle because we haven’t been educated, nor educated ourselves on the fundamentals of our own government. Why? Because the “spin doctors” have convinced us that it is taboo to discuss politics or religion in public, at work, or even within our own heads.
There is NO candidate worthy of the presidency, there is no man we should look to for our sovereignty, there is no government we should fear. But we are lied to and convinced that we must choose some one to run our lives for us through a government (really the federal government is nothing more than a massive corporation killing us and a lot of people in the world through their corporate by-laws) we are not properly represented within.
This argument about lesser evils, better policies…is the clamor all of the “Washington” crowd love to hear. If we fight over a name we cannot formulate a theory. If we fight over a scandal we cannot stop to think how we got so far down the wrong road. None of these buffoons are worthy of our inspection. Can any one of them do anything besides be a politician? Do they have any real skills or knowledge other than that their masters feed them? These people running for president are WORTHLESS. Why? Because as Ron Paul said when he kept getting asked what he would do if he were ever elected to be president – his response was “It’s not what I would do, but what I would’nt”.

Think about that. It’s not what you can do for your country, nor what your country can do for you. It’s what you can do for yourself. Can you open your eyes and see the deception around you? Can you pull yourself up and hear the growing cry of resentment against a rabid, monstrous and evil empire birthing itself from Washington? Where is our Liberty, our Freedom and sovereignty? It is not in a place (Washington, USA, a State) nor is it from any man (king, dictator, president), it is from our maker. We are free because we are. We are sovereign because we can defend ourselves from the greed and malice of another, and we can extend kindness and love to another and we do not have to ask permission to do either. We are each our own country. We are each our own sovereign.

To make this all make sense I’ll quote Thomas Paine – “Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles to death” What can any man say to you to make you believe they can run YOUR life better than you can? That is what these candidates would wish you to think. They would wish you to sacrifice your sovereignty to their ill formulated plans. Stop arguing about these lack-luster peons who would wish to suck your life dry to benefit theirs. Start thinking about how to protect your own LIBERTY. Once it is secured, look to your neighbor and see if they might need help. If not move on. The US (corporate) government is the greatest menace we face today. It will gnaw us and feed on the marrow of our bones and those of our children if we do not stand NOW. Educate yourselves, prepare yourselves. We are the people and WE are the power. And we are free, unless we give that away…

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