Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In my continuing efforts to fight the FED I have been removing bills of credit (Fed reserve notes) from the money supply. My efforts have helped to remove many possible thousands of dollars from the banking reserves (when understood from the fractional reserve banking system). I will continue my efforts to remove bills of credit from the system and help Patriots stop up this despicable debt system we call our economy…yeah, I’ve been cashing out...and contributing to the constipation in our bloated, putrid debt economy! Although I think this action lately is the powers that be shaking the piggy bank to see how much more there is for them to plunder. They won’t smash it until they’ve gotten all of the valuables out of it…

My bank is a C+ on that bank rating site from survivalblog, so I’m draining funds…listening to my little inner voice, which has been known to be right about 5% to 95% of the time, I think 3rd qtr (next Aug. and beyond) is the drop dead date for the cliff edge. They need viable slaves who are happy in their voluntary imprisonment. The world is not there yet. We are just seeing the shock and awe tactics to bring about a mind state of fear so we will accept their answers and live willingly under their thumb. The psychopath rarely kills the victim too early. They enjoy watching the fear and pain work on the innocent. Maybe by that time many thousands of people will end up fleeing their homes to fight the NOW wearing out t-shirts as an undershirt to their Patriot uniform. Maybe the next step in this movement is the idea of the uniform, wearing the brand in the form of silent protest throughout society. The argument being that the NWO hides and schemes, but the Patriot moves openly into society shod with truth and honor. Our shirts along with others could be the basis for a large organic Patriot uniform. “Display your authority, Assert your authority, Wear your Sovereignty for all to see” or something along those lines…